In the Midlands 5300 people will have no job to go to on Monday morning. The MG/Rover car plant has finally collapsed. They can attend workshops set up by the administrators where they’ll be shown how to fill out dole forms.
The knock on will affect a further 15,000 jobs in the region.
The bosses at Rover (Phoenix Venture Holdings) made £40m in 5 years while the workforce is looking at a state redundancy payment of £5000. And over 4000 of them that took a company offer are left owing £8000 on cars that they bought.
No job, no car and not a lot of hope; but a nice big debt to keep them in their place.
And it’s not about Labour or Tory, it’s about a system that allows some people to have millions and others to be always one letter away from having fuck all.
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