Cloud Get You Out Of My Head

The British public are once again looking utterly pathetic as a vocal minority of nitwits grab the headlines. Yesterday they were sitting in the pissing rain watching grown men walk around as 'Stormtroopers', today complaining about the new style weather reports as 'unintelligible'.

They'd like to go back to the old symbol-based report. After one day of the new one. Back to the one where a little cloud represented the whole south-east for example. They seem to be finding it difficult and offensive to have a system that actually looks like the country it's talking about and shows you specifically how the weather will be in each area. (i.e. is much better at doing what it's there to do).

At these moments I despair at the possibility of change in this country. Unless George Lucas or some football team leads it, there'll be no revolutions here. Ever.

In other news...

BBC FiveLive are carrying the Washington Senate Hearing with Galloway live at 14.30. Give 'em hell George.

Hope Kylie gets better soon, but who will replace her at Glastonbury? Surely Iron Maiden are the obvious choice?

I should be so lucky.


Jasper Goodballoon said...

Hey! I was in the rain yesterday watching the Royal Philarmonic, but only for twenty minutes, and I didn't see any pissing stormtroopers. Bastards! Goodballoon will be back properly next week.