Old Charlie's heartfelt statement yesterday was a brilliant piece of political agenda-shifting blackmail. Back pushed against the wall he showed more skill in an hour than months of the rubber daggered assassins that want his scalp but thought they'd get it by asking nicely.
Like a boozy uncle who's family have had enough of Special Brew cans under the sofa, pissy mattresses in the spare room and wandering eyes over the grandkids he turns the table when he knows he's pushed his luck one last time.
"But the kid's love me. You'll only confuse them. What about those tickets to Euro Disney?"
Thus with probably his last political gasp he heaved himself into the higher echelons of Parliamentary leaders. Just like Thatcher and Blair he's going to go down fighting and bring the whole party down around him.
And while the family falls apart Mum's new friend from night-class is going to be having little Britney over the back of the Sony WEGA before you can say 'compassionate conservative anyone?'.
Maybe the best place to be is smoking cigars with Rula Lenska and watching 80's pussy lips after all.
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